Combined with a ship mod like Archimedes' Ships (now called Davinci's Vessels) you could carry a ship around in a chest like you were George Jetson. It had special wool chests that cut and pasted small areas (from 3x3x3 to 11x11x11 depending on which tier of GeoChest you crafted). Here's one I wish had updated past 1.7.10: GeoChests. Remember I said my current world is a vanilla 1.13.1 world? Veinminer is the thing I'm missing the most.

Being able to do the same to connected ores is REALLY handy. Being able to chop down trees by only breaking one block is handy. I'm a big fan of Ruins (which lets you add your own structures to the temples list) and Davincis Vessels (build your own sailing ships or airships out of blocks). I love the smeltery Tinkers Construct adds, I consider that a must have. The mod ores were just what Immersive Engineering adds (copper, aluminum, lead, silver, nickel and uranium) plus the 2 nether ores Tinkers Construct adds (cobalt and some orange thing I had never heard of before). (#spoiler) = neat! (/rose) = ( full list)Ĭurrently I'm playing a vanilla 1.13.1 world, but before that I was on a 1.12.2 mod world. News Builds Gameplay Maps Tutorials Redstone Command Blocks FanArt Comment Formatting Use the wiki or community support for questions that can be answered there.Explain your suggestions with a text post.Don't promote illegal or unethical practices.Don’t advertise servers or communities.Trails & Tales 1.20 FAQ | Login/Stolen Account Problems | Technical Problems On /r/Minecraft