
Gfi mailessentials excludsion
Gfi mailessentials excludsion

gfi mailessentials excludsion

I understand how greylisting works whereby if the receiving mail server receives an new "triplet" conversation it will send a temporary rejection email. Adding the domain to the exceptions will solve this, When checking the logs I could see the email was being caught by the greylist, however, there were multiple attempts from the same sender with a few minutes of each other but kept being blocked by the greylist. Today, a user reported they were not receiving an email from a particular sender. I've come across a few situations which do not match the behaviour I expect from the greylist. For more information refer to GFI Directory mode.I'm just trying to understand what is happening with GFI's greylist. This ports can be changed from the Switchboard. If the GFI Directory is used, ensure that no other applications (except GFI MailEssentials) are listening on this port. TCP port used for the communication between GFI MailEssentials and GFI Directory.

  • Other SMTP mail server environments - Required to get email addresses from SMTP server.
  • Lotus Domino mail server environment - Required to get email addresses from Lotus Domino server.
  • gfi mailessentials excludsion

    Microsoft ® Exchange environment - Required if the server running GFI MailEssentials does not have access to or cannot get list of users from Active Directory, for example, in a DMZ environment or other environments which do not use Active Directory.GFI Directory mode - When the GFI MailEssentials server is not joined to an Active Directory domain, but retrieves the list of users from GFI Directory instance.Remote Active Directory mode - When the GFI MailEssentials server is not joined to an Active Directory domain, but retrieves the list of users from a remote Active Directory instance.Ensure that the master and all salve servers can communicate together via these ports. These TCP ports are used for communications between GFI MailEssentials servers that are joined to the Multi-Server network. For more information refer to Remoting ports. If other applications are using this ports, these ports can be changed. NOTE: Ensure that no other applications (except GFI MailEssentials) are listening on these ports. No firewall configuration is required to allow connections to or from the remoting ports since all the GFI MailEssentials processes run on the same server. These ports are used for inter-process communication.

    gfi mailessentials excludsion

    For more information refer to Proxy settings.

    gfi mailessentials excludsion

    NOTE: GFI MailEssentials can also be configured to download updates through a proxy server. GFI MailEssentials downloads from the following locations: Used by GFI MailEssentials to download product patches and updates for: Configure your firewall to allow the ports used by GFI MailEssentials.

    Gfi mailessentials excludsion